Update: President rejects PSD interim ministers. Iohannis-Dancila clashes

President Klaus Iohannis has rejected on Thursday the nominations advanced by PSD to replace the resigning ALDE ministers for the Energy , Environment and Parliament Liaison portfolios. PM Viorica Dăncilă had proposed Nicolae Bădălău as Energy minister, Ioan Deneș as Environment minister and Radu Popa for Parliament Liaison after ALDE had quit the ruling coalition.

The head of state accused that PSD risks taking Romania to a deadlock, which could mean delayed wages and pensions.

Getting back to the political situation, the crisis is generated by PSD through its irresponsible conduct in governing Romania. This irresponsible way of ruling is getting more acute. The conflicts inside the ruling coalition, PSD’s despair to cling to stay in power, the internal fights and the bargains on positions have nothing to do with the Romanians’ real agenda. I won’t vouch for this political game and, as such, I am strongly rejecting the proposals for interim ministers,” Klaus Iohannis has told a press statement at Cotroceni Palace.

On Wednesday, the Romanian President had fiercely slammed the ruling party and the Government, while PM Dancila had denounced the Executive’s activity is blocked and had notified the Constitutional Court over a legal conflict between the Government and the Presidency, precisely for the President had mentioned nothing about the interim ministers she had proposed.

However, President Iohannis has replied to Dancila, saying the PM’S accusations that he would block the Government and would not let PSD rule are “ridiculous”, considering that “the Social Democrats have changed 3 Cabinets and 80 ministers in two years and a half.”

PM Dăncilă has not backed down, either, retorting to Iohannis in a Facebook post. “He forgets he has vouched for all governments and ministers for the past 5 years“, the prime minister argued.

Dăncilă added that “Cotroceni Palace has become a “campaign headquarters for the incumbent President”, while accusing the head of state of “committing an abuse of power and of continuing to block the Government’s activity”.

Last week, President Iohannis had also rejected previous minister nominations, Dana Gîrbovan as Justice minister, Serban Valeca for Education and Iulian Iancu as deputy PM on economic affairs. The proposals had been forwarded within the reshuffle proposed by the prime minister.

The chaos in the Government confirms the contempt that PSD and ALDE continue to show to the Romanians. It should be no surprise for anyone. On the contrary, it’s the result of two years and a half of chaotic, incompetent and corrupt governance”, the head of state said back then.

aldeenergyEnvironment and Parliament LiaisoninterimIoan Dene?ministersNicolae Badalaunominationspm viorica dancilapresident klaus iohannisrejectedreshuffle
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