USR has established its candidates for the European Parliament elections due in May 2019. The list is opened by Cristian Ghinea (photo) and Clotilde Armand.
Cristian Ghinea has been elected by 13,662 USR members, with Clotilde Armand ranking second-10,568 votes. Nicolae Bogdănel Ştefănuţă comes third, getting the support of 10,337 party fellows.
Vlad Marius Botoş, Vlad Dan Gheorghe, Naomi Reniuţ, Radu Ionuţ Ghelmez, Radu Nicolae Mihaiu, Iulian Lorincz, Adrian Cristian, Camelia Carmen Crişan, Gheorghe Ţăranu, Silviu Gurliu, Teodora Stoian, Alexandru Gabriel Vărzaru come next on the list.