USR leader Nicusor Dan to sue Victor Ponta and Sebastian Ghita and ask for RON 500,000 as damages

Save Romania Union (USR) leader Nicusor Dan has filed on Thursday a legal action against former PM Victor Ponta and against Sebastian Ghita (MP) for repeated calumnies regarding a so-called relationship with George Soros. The USR leader says he would ask for damages amounting to RON 500,000.

“Following the repeated calumnies against us, today we submit to the Bucharest Court a complaint against Ponta Viorel Victor and Ghita Sebastian Aurelian for repeated calumnies against USR and against me and we ask for RON 500,000 as moral damages and damages to the image. It is about the infamous campaign saying we are Soros’s people. It is campaign similar to the ones conducted during the ‘50s. Although we initially laughed at the matter, it seems the campaign damages our image and, in a democratic society those who do wrong have to pay for it,” Nicusor Dan said, according to

“The false propaganda claims USR was set up by George Soros, it reminds us about Ceausescu’s hysteria against foreign intelligence agencies and has brought damage to my image and to USR’s image. This is why I submit the complaint to the court. Those who have spread this lie have to take judicial responsibility for calumny and untruth,” Nicusor Dan also wrote on his Facebook page.

bucharest courtcalumniescalumnydamagesGeorge Soroslegal actionnicusor danSave Romania Unionsebastian ghitaUSRVicor Ponta
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