Save Romania Union (USR) will notify the European Commission for the initiation of the infringement procedure for the erroneous application of a European directive, accusing that the new Emergency Ordinance adopted by the Government to promote the use of energy from renewable sources introduces the so-called “Sun tax” immediately for many of the prosumers and gradually for the others.
“Minister Virgil Popescu rushed in to say that the GEO that imposes the Sun Tax transposes a European directive. That although there is no tax on the Sun, it starts from 2026 anyway. And if there is still no, it doesn’t apply to the little ones anyway. Minister Popescu puts his left foot in the right and says nonsense. These are all lies: his GEO introduces the Sun tax immediately for many of the prosumers and gradually for the others. To be clear: the stupid political decision to charge prosumers for what they consume belongs to the Nicu-Marcel government,” Cristian Ghinea wrote on Facebook.
Ghinea says that the EU Directive strongly discourages self-consumption taxation, and even states the right of prosumers not to be taxed, and although the Directive leaves certain exceptions, the GEO adopted by the Government transforms them into a rule.
“The right of prosumers not to be charged for what they consume themselves is omitted as a reference in the text of the GEO when establishing the charging of all prosumers starting in 2026. The charge applies immediately to citizens and firms that produce more than 30kW or have benefited from support state (Casa Verde for example). SMEs and farms that have invested or wanted to invest in photovoltaics enter here.Then, through a simple transformation of “the state can” into “the state taxes”, the securisto-socialist government gives a blow to independent energy production, to protect the captive market of the large state companies, subordinate to Virgil Popescu.”, Cristian Ghinea argued.
The Save Romania Union (USR) requested on Sunday the governors to stop the publication in the Official Gazette and restore the emergency ordinance to complete the legal framework for promoting the use of energy from renewable sources, accusing the fact that the PSD-PNL Government issued in the evening before the National Day holiday an emergency ordinance that “invents a new tax in the midst of an energy crisis: the sun tax”.
‘Sun Tax’? Is it April Fools already?