USR’s Clotilde Armand addresses open letter to Europe: The PSD-ALDE coalition mutilates the rule of law

Save Romania Union (USR) District 1 chairman and local counsellor Clotilde Armand has addressed on Wednesday an open letter to the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and to French President Emmanuel Macron, with the request to analyse carefully the developments in Romania and to help our country, now “under continuous disinformation campaign” from the inside.

As “Romanian citizen and European citizen” Clotilde Armand highlights several problems Romania is facing due to the decisions made by the PSD-ALDE coalition, informs.

The open letter mentions that the amendments proposed to the justice laws, aim to “mutilate the rule of law, justice and the country’s European route for a sole reason, to avoid various criminal investigations.”

Clotilde Armand recalls the large protests last winter “when the PSD Government tried for the first time to amend the justice laws. We are currently facing new attempts to amend fundamental laws for the efficiency of the fight against corruption.”

“A Parliament committee has the mission to speed up the amendment procedures to an entire package of laws,” Armand also wrote, with reference to the Iordache committee, set up especially to amend the justice laws.

“The Government also is preparing a draft administrative code, aiming to relax the integrity and incompatibility criteria for civil servants. The draft law banning sentenced individuals to run for presidency has been rejected this week by the Senate,” Armand also writes about the ruling coalition’s ‘achievements’.

She enumerates the tax code amendments, which affect the investors and the fact that “in the economic field the high growth rate (approx. 8.8%) is followed by a public deficit of more than 3% of GDP, a current account deficit of over EUR 4 billion and an inflation rate of 2.7%.”

“Under these circumstances, I address you the request to carefully analyse the political developments in Romania, to support the projects that may sustain the development the population of this country needs, which is under a continuous disinformation campaign, however still attached to the European idea,” the open letter concludes.

Antonio Tajanicivil servantsclotilde armandcorruptioncriminal investigationsemmanuel macroniordache committeejean-claude junckerjustice lawsPSD governmentPSD-ALDE coalitionSave Romania UnionTax CodeUSR
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