Vice-Premier, Development Minister Paul Stanescu has resigned Monday afternoon. His resignation comes one week after PSD leader Liviu Dragnea requested him to step down.
In the statement released by Paul Stanescu, he wrote that he is a man of honour and has not aimed any personal interest and that he did everything is his power to carry out the attributions as minister with responsibility, having as priority the investments for health infrastructure, education, accommodation, water and sewerage.
“I still believe that the country needs unity and responsible governance, I thank all those who have had confidence in me and supported me, as well as the colleagues with the Regional Development and Public Administration Ministry, with whom we’ve had a great team!” Paul Stanescu wrote.
Viorica Dancila has said earlier on Monday she had asked Deputy Premier and Regional Development Minister Paul Stanescu to resign, but he refused.
“I asked Paul Stanescu to resign, but he did not want to. As I’ve signed the revocation, it’s obvious I want to replace him from the Government. It’s over, the Executive Committee has voted for his resignation, we are looking to the future,” the Premier said.
She also said the requests to revoke Paul Stanescu and Transport Minister Lucian Sova from the position of ministers, however the head of state refused.
In turn, PSD chairman Liviu Dragnea said on Monday about Paul Stanescu: “it’s his problem, I am not interested. (…) I don’t want to comment on this issue, you make him more important than he is.”
The resignation was announced one hour after the PSD Executive Committee sitting at the Parliament Palace.
Paul Stanescu is one of the ministers proposed by ruling PSD for reshuffling. He was one of the signatories of the letter in September calling for Dragnea’s withdrawal from the party’s helm.