Who are the most exposed Romanian politicians in the media?

President Klaus Iohannis and PM Dacian Ciolos top a media coverage ranking in Romania, according to a monitoring review by Mediafax (November 11, 2016-November 18, 2016).

Therefore, Klaus Iohannis has 2,814 references, while Dacian Ciolos has 2,887 references. Former President Traian Basescu comes third with 1,667 references, Liviu Dragnea-1,426 references, Victor Ponta-1,271, Alina Gorghiu-540 and Nicusor Dan-299 references.

In terms of online (web coverage), president Iohannis tops the chart with 2,220 references (26%), PM Ciolos comes second- 2,218 references (26%). Traian Basescu has 1,318 references (16%), Liviu Dragnea -1,070 (13%), Victor Ponta -1,012 (12%), Alina Gorghiu -391 (5%) and Nicuşor Dan – 224 (3%). For online, the main news websites, blogs, Facebook and Twitter pages have been analyzed.

On TV coverage, the situation is quite similar. Klaus Iohannis – 188 references (27%), Dacian Cioloş -185 references (27%), Traian Băsescu – 115 references (17%), LiviuDragnea -94 references (14%), Victor Ponta -54 referecens (8%), Alina Gorghiu -37 references (5%), Nicuşor Dan -12 references (2%).

The radio chart is as following: Klaus Iohannis -134 (36%), Dacian Cioloş -92 (25%), Liviu Dragnea -65 (17%), Traian Băsescu -25 (7%), Nicuşor Dan -24 (6%), Alina Gorghiu -19 (5%), Victor Ponta -13 (3%).

PM Ciolos tops rankings in central and local media.

In central media, Dacian Ciolos had 156 references, Klaus Iohannis – 108 references, Traian Băsescu -97 references, Victor Ponta -92 references, Liviu Dragnea -92 references, Alina Gorghiu- 34 references, Nicuşor Dan -25 ones.

PM Ciolos also tops the ranking of local media coverage: 226 references. President Klaus Iohannis ranks second with 164 references and Traian Basescu ranks third with 112 references.

central mediacoverageformer presidentlocal mediamediaonlinepm dacian ciolospoliticianspresident klaus iohannisradioreferencestraian basescuTV
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