Will PM Dăncilă join forces with Minister Toader, after the attacks from Dragnea? Ponta argues scandal is fake

Viorica Dăncilă and Tudorel Toader have had a private discussion on Tuesday, at the Government offices, after the attacks and ironies launched by Liviu Dragnea Monday night against the two, given that on Wednesday the Senate will resume the debate on the simple motion filed by the PNL and USR against the Justice Minister.

Also on Wednesday the weekly Government sitting will take place, with the Social-Democrats expecting – after a vote on the simple motion equivalent to a withdrawal of political support for Tudorel Toader – that Prime Minister Dăncilă demands his dismissal. The PSD senators have been given the green light to vote in favour of the motion in the Senate plenary, and the only thing that lacks is the official gesture of the Prime Minister to replace the minister, digi24.ro informs.

Government sources, however, argue that Viorica Dăncilă does not want to meet the expectations of her party colleagues, and has assured Toader of her support during their meeting on Tuesday. Moreover, the head of the Executive also disagrees with the reshuffle of Ministers Rovana Plumb and Natalia Intotero, whose resignations have been publicly demanded by Liviu Dragnea last Friday, under the pretext that they would use the ministries’ transport means during the election campaign.

Social-Democrat leader Liviu Dragnea launched a new attack against Justice Minister Tudorel Toader on the emergency ordinances. In a TV show Monday evening, Dragnea said that debates on amending the criminal codes must be resumed in Parliament in the coming weeks, claiming the party has been fooled by Minister Toader who stirred a huge scandal with his statements and then he didn’t adopt the ordinances after all.

“The entire party has been fooled. Mr. Toader fooled us all. Intentionally or not, he said in January <I want to adopt that ordinance and that one>. He didn’t talk to anyone. But you cannot say that at the beginning of the year, you lift the scandal up to the sky, we are under bullets in the country and abroad and then you come out again and say the emergency is not justified. The debate in Parliament is also blocked. The issue is closed,” the PSD chairman also said.

Former PM Victor Ponta says the Dragnea vs. Toader scandal is fake

Pro Romania leader, former Prime Minister Victor Ponta, said on Tuesday for ‘Adevarul’ newspaper that the scandal between Dragnea and Toader ‘is fake, they act’.

Ponta argues Dragnea does not want an emergency ordinance, as in this way other politicians and businessmen would avoid sentences, including Adrian Nastase (former Prime Minister). He wants a decision from the Constitutional Court for his lawsuit. Ponta claims the conflict with Viorica Dancila is no longer acting.

“The Dragnea-Toader scandal is fake. They certainly act. He was minister with the Grindeanu, Tudose cabinets. He is in Dancila cabinet. Dragnea wanted Toader to stay. He postpones the vote on the simple motion against Toader, then they vote against. It’s a game,” Ponta said.

Ponta claims Dragnea does not want ordinances to pardon others. “This would mean Adrian Nastase will return to the party. If a congress is summoned, 90% of votes will be against Dragnea. It would also mean to solve the problems of businessmen such as Ghita and Voiculescu. He does not want them with problems solved,” Ponta said.

adrian nastasegovernmentgovernment sittingMinisters Rovana PlumbNatalia Intoteropsd senatorsreshufflesimple motionsocial-democrat leader Liviu DragneaTudorel ToaderVictor Pontaviorica dancila
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