11yo schoolgirl kicked from class for wearing floral print skirt. Headmaster gets sacked

The headmaster of a school in one of Constanta’s villages has been dismissed on Wednesday after expelling an 11-year-old schoolgirl from the class on the ground that ….she has been wearing a black skirt with floral prints. The female headmaster of the school in Valu lui Traian commune not only that she sent the girl back home to change her skirt, but she offended the her, calling her “stupid” and “thick-skin”. Moreover, the headmaster didn’t announce the girl’s parents, so she had to go home alone, while crossing a railroad and a national road.

The headmaster, biology teacher, defended herself, saying she has just observed the school’s rules regarding the uniform. However, the School Inspectorate had a different opinion on this case and discharged her from the headmaster position.

The girl’s mother came to school to call the headmaster to account and recorded the conversation with their mobile. According to the tape, the headmaster admitted she offended the girl.

black skirtconstantafloral printheadmasteroffendedschoolschoolgirlvalu lui traian
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