3.4 degrees quake jolts Vrancea region

An earthquake with the magnitude 3.4 degrees n Richter scale occurred on the night of Thursday to Friday in Vrancea region, eastern Romania, the National Institute for Research and Development for Earth Physics (INFP) informs on Friday.

INFP says the earthquake took place at 3.24h, with the epicenter at the depth of 129 km.

Closest towns: Odobeşti (32km), Panciu (37km), Focşani (45km), Oneşti (48km), Râmnicu Sărat (48km).

The strongest quake this year was registered on January 9, in Buzau County, with the magnitude 4.2 degrees on Richter scale.


Buzau countyearth physicsearthquakeINFPipicenterRichter scaleVrancea region
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