500 soldiers from eight countries take part in multinational exercise Platinum Eagle 17.1

A total of 500 soldiers from Bulgaria, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine and the United States participate, as of  Monday until March 1 in the multinational exercise ‘Platinum Eagle 17.1’ in Smârdan shooting range in Galati County, the Ministry of Defence informs.

According to a press release issued on Monday by the MoD, the Romanian Army will be represented by 100 soldiers from the Land Forces of the 2nd Infantry Battalion ‘Calugareni’, the 1st Mechanized Brigade ‘Argedava’, 15 JTAC (air controllers for heading positions) and 30 Navy soldiers of the 307th Infantry Marines Battalion.

“The main objective of ‘Platinum Eagle 17.1’ is the joint training of the participating subunits in a unitary concept to maintain the operational capacity and to increase interoperability by exercising the command and control procedures as well as firing weaponry,” the quoted source added.

As mentioned by the MoD, the Black Sea Rotational Force 17 is an annual drill led by US Marine Forces Command deployed in Europe and Africa, being held in the Black Sea, in the Balkans and the Caucasus region.

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Balkansblack sea rotational forcecaucasus regionFYROMGalati Countyinfantry battalioninteroperabilityland forcesmilitary drillsMinistry of Defencemultinational exercisePlatinum Eagle 17.1Romanian ArmySerbiasloveniaSmardan shooting rangeUnited States
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