Alexander Adamescu, Puiu Popoviciu and interloper ‘Ghenosu’ on the brink of being extradited from the UK

The British courts have set the trial dates for the extradition of Puiu Popoviciu, Alexander Adamescu and of interloper Florin Ghinea aka ‘Ghenosu’, Realitatea TV private broadcaster informs on Tuesday.

The first one to meet the trial date is businessman Puiu Popoviciu (photo 1) sentenced to 7 years in jail in ‘Baneasa Farm’ file. He is to face the judges on October 15.

Businessman Puiu Popoviciu was sentenced on August 2, 2017, by the High Court for Cassation and Justice (ICCJ – Supreme Court) to 7 years in jail, in the file in which he is accused of corruption deeds regarding the association between his company, SC Baneasa Investments SA and the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (USAMV), for a plot of land of 224 hectares. The ruling is final.

Popoviciu was sentenced in the first court to 9 years in jail in the same file. The former USAMV Rector Ioan Niculae Alecu was sentenced to six years in jail for abuse of office.

On August 17, 2017, the Bucharest Court of Appeals sent to the British judicial authorities the European arrest warrant on Puiu Popoviciu’s name.

Businessman Puiu Popoviciu was detained by London Metropolitan Police. He was released on bail for GBP 200,000. The businessman had to come to the police precinct three times a week and to wear a surveillance bracelet.

Alexander Adamescu (photo 2), the son of late billionaire Dan Adamescu, is to face the judges on October 30. He was captured in London in March 2018, remanded for the second time, as a British court found that he used fake documents during the extradition lawsuit. Initially, he had been arrested in the summer of 2016, charged with bribe giving, released on bail.

DNA prosecutors charged the son of businessman Adamescu, in 2016, of evading the investigation in which he is charged with bribe taking. DNA prosecutors claim that in spite of having tried with the support of the UK and with the support of the police in Monaco to get businessman Alexander Adamescu for hearings in the file started in his name since 2014, they have failed because he has evaded investigation.

Last but not east, the Westminster Court of London has set on November 12 as the date for the trial of Romanian interloper, Florin Ghinea, aka ‘Ghenosu’. He had been under APB warrant after escaping during searches. He was under international APB since May and was caught on August 13 in Herdfordshire, near London, the same source informs.




Alexandre Adamescuapb warrantBaneasa Farmbritish courtscorruptionflorin ghineaghenosuLondon PolicePuiu Popoviciusupreme court
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