The case of Bodnariu family is not singular. In a similar situation in Norway are Dumitru and Mihaela Nan, from whom the Norwegian State took their children away in October, ‘Adevarul’ newspaper informs.
Dumitru Nan says that on October 27, while he was at work, he was called and summoned to the police. He phoned his wife, from whom he learned that she had also been called to the police, where the couple was interrogated for six hours.
Outdoors waited for them two employees of the Department for Children Protection, aged about 30 years each. The social workers told the parents that their girl said she had been beaten and they are no longer entitled to their children.
The Romanian also said that when the children were taken away, his wife started crying and screaming, and social workers told her that if she needs a psychiatrist they can help by taking her to one.
After the children were taken away, the Nan spouses remembered an episode occurred a few weeks before, when the girl had told them that “she would go to another house and would take along Dragos (her little brother).” “My wife told me this episode, but I disregarded it. Who thought we would end up here?” Dumitru Nan said.
The Romanian family expects January 20 for the file to be tried again by a commission from the Department for Child Protection.
The two parents appeared on a show of B1TV on Monday evening. The mother said she had never hit the children, and that the only things the child protection department has are against them are the statement of the person who filed the complaint and the video with her daughter saying she had been beaten.
“One month before, the girl came to us and said that she wants another family who would give her toys, clothes and other things. She learned such things at school. She asked me once for something, but I could not give her. At that time she told me she would go out and scream until someone will come and will call the police and will take us away,” the woman said.
“At our request, the embassy and the Romanian authorities did not help us. That’s because the only thing that they could do to help us was the repatriation of children,” the mother said.
Mr. Man said for B1TV that currently they have employed a third lawyer because the other ones were not interested in the case.
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