Archbishop of Tomis, Teodosie, slammed by BOR for being “provocative”, for “defying” the Patriarchy

The Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) leadership rejected the request filed by controversial Archbishop of Tomis, Teodosie, to be promoted as metropolitan, according to the BOR official response quoted by

BOR leadership accuses Teodosie of “personal ambition” that has nothing to do with the pastoral mission and of “defying the Church recommendations”. Teodosie is also slammed for his initiatives during the Covid-19 pandemic, for his incitements to defy the authorities’ restrictions, which brought prejudices to the church’s image overall and which proved “a provocative attitude”.

BOR has also slammed Teodosie for the PhD doctoral school managed by the Tomis Archbishopric, and for his denial to pay old invoices as well.

“Although the Archbishopric of Tomis is frequently has a discordant not defying the Romanian Patriarchy’s recommendations and orders, it still requiring the Patriarch to be promoted as metropolitan church. The regulation, and the Holy Synod’s decisions are seldom violated by the  Archbishopric of Tomis by: the ordination of some theologians from other dioceses who fail to present the necessary documents, the admission to the doctoral school of some candidates with grades lower than 8.50, appointment of priests and monks from other dioceses without the consent of the chief of those dioceses”, reads the BOR document.

Teodosie is also criticised for his public stances amid the coronavirus pandemic, with BOR arguing that they “stirred heated debates in mass media and brought image disservices to the Orthodox Church, particularly that they were accompanied by a provocative attitude, that was also pastoral insensitive, and by a poor communication with the church superior authority, a fact that express a spirit of indiscipline and rebellion”.

The Archbishopric of Tomis is further accused of denying to pay some old invoices from 2016, worth RON 468,822, to the Patriarchy.

The official decision was sent to Teodosie by the Holy Synod chancellery, by command of Patriarch Daniel, on April 19, 2021. Tedosie had asked to be promoted as metropolitan since February 18, 2021.

Archbishop of TomisBORchrurchCOVID-19Metropolitanpandemicpersonal ambitionprovocativeromanian orthodox churchteodosie
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