Auhtorities propose weekly testing of “all critical infrastructure employees”

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) proposed additional measures for employees within the authorities or companies that have critical infrastructures. These include weekly testing, shift work or the use of FFPP2 masks in crowded areas.

It is proposed that “additional measures be taken to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections in order to prevent the activity of critical infrastructure owners / operators holding critical infrastructure by preventing administrative activity, with a view to weekly testing of all employees. in shifts or shifts with avoidance of contact between them or the use of masks with a higher degree of protection (FFP2) in crowded areas”.

Critical infrastructure is any functional economic entity that provides products, goods and services of public utility, vital to society as a whole and whose destruction, degradation or malfunction produces a major impact in economic and social terms, at micro and macro level regional.

The proposed measures only apply to employees who manage critical infrastructure, not to all employees of those authorities or companies. The public administration, the police, the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and the schools are not part of the institutions that manage the critical infrastructure, according to the Strategic Communication Group.

companiescritical infrastructureFFP2SARS-Cov.2testing
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