Businessman from Suceava builds the first and the only one metre of highway in Moldova

Upset that authorities are postponing road infrastructure projects, including highways, businessman Ştefan Mandachi from Suceava, northern Romania, has built the first and the only one metre of highway in Moldova region, challenging Romanians to join his protest: to stop activity for 15 minutes on March 15, at 15:00hr. He also challenged tycoons like Ion Ţiriac, Gigi Becali or Viorel Cataramă to join forces and start building motorways.

In a video clip posted on You Tube, Mandachi says he has lost one year and a half of his life driving so far, traveling more than 500,000 kilometres in 15 years since he has a driving license.

More than that, the local entrepreneur got in touch with a construction company that symbolically built one metre of highway in Suceava county, between Voronet and Putna, according to Monitorul de Suceava.

He also talked about the desolation of crossing 1,000 km in 16 hours on the route where the Targu-Mures-Iasi motorway is supposed to be built and where, he says, he would have hoped to see some people “working on the motorway”.

The small highway section’s cost mounted to EUR 4,500 and is to be commissioned on March 15, at 15:00hr. This is precisely the date when he also announced he will suspend activity in his restaurants for 15 minutes to raise awareness on the lack of infrastructure in our country.

The businessman from Suceava also pointed out that he, together with all the Romanians who are driving “careless” near the pits on the roads, are guilty for there are no motorways in Romania.

“I challenge three entrepreneurs: Ion Ţiriac, Gigi Becali, Viorel Cataramă. I am only one, but what if we would be 1,000? 1 million or 5 millions? I want highways here in Suceava, in Bukovina, but maybe you want motorways in Apuseni mountains, in Maramreus, in Craiova or Timisoara“, he argued.

Authorities pledged to build Targu Mures-Iasi highway, also called the Union Highway, to link Ungheni – Iaşi – Târgu Frumos – Paşcani – Târgu Neamţ – Poiana Largului – Ditrău – Târgu Mureş, but construction works are dragging on.

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