Catholic and Protestant believers in Romania celebrate Easter. President Iohannis sends solidarity message

Hundreds of thousands of Catholic and protestant believers in Romania celebrate Easter, attending the Resurrection service, Virgilia Pascale, with religious ceremonies taking place in the Catholic and Lutheran cathedrals in the country.

Hundreds of Roman-Catholic Magyars in Cluj-Napoca attended the service at “St. Mihail” Church downtown.

In Timișoara, numerous Catholic believers celebrated Easter in the Catholic Dome, while in Arad, believers gathered at Maria Radna Papal Basilica.

Maria Radna Basilca is the largest holy place in western country, with Easter service having begun since Thursday. Believers recast the Passion of Christ on the hill behind the church on the Good Friday, on a route that dates back in 1880. The services are held in Romanian, Magyar and German. A special service in Latin was held on Saturday night.

President Klaus Iohannis sent a solidarity message on the occasion of Easter, saying that we have to be “solidary with the victims of violence and intolerance or with the people for whom ‘our daily bread’ is far from being a metaphor”. President Iohannis, an Evangelic Lutheran, is also celebrating Easter on Sunday, being in Sibiu.

I would like to address my warmest thoughts to the Roman-Catholic and Protestant Christians who celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. These days, when we celebrate the gift of light and life, it’s fit to join all those who need our solidarity. To be next to the victims of violence and intolerance or next to those for whom “our daily bread” is far from being a metaphor. I wish you that Easter finds you in peace, healthy and happy (…) Jesus Christ is resurrected!”, reads the President’s message posted on Facebook.

AradbelieversCatholiccluj-napocaeasterevangelic lutheranmaria radna papal basilicamessagepresident klaus iohannisprotestanttimisoara
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