Constitutional Court rejects PNL, USR referral on the bill decriminalizing the corruption offenses

The Constitutional Court (CCR) has rejected on Wednesday the PNL and USR referral reading that the draft bill adopted by Parliament amending Law 78/2000 on the prevention, revealing and sanctioning the corruption offenses is not in agreement with a previous CCR decision.

Therefore the law adopted by Parliament has been declared constitutional by the CCR judges.

The PNL and USR groups of Deputies notified CCR on May 2 regarding the amendments to Law 78/2000 on the prevention, revealing and sanctioning the corruption offenses.

The normative act was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies, as decision making body, on April 16, 2019.

CCRconstitutional courtcorruption offensesdraft billlaw 78/2000pnlreferralUSR
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