The Constitutional Court of Romania has dismissed on Wednesday, as inadmissible, the USR challenges on the amendments to the laws of justice.
“All three challenges were rejected as inadmissible. The ones concerning the statute of the magistrate and the CSM (Laws 303 and 317/2004) – were dismissed for not including the required number of MPs for referral. We had 48 MPs, but two of them had signed also another challenge. In regard to the judicial organization, the challenge on amendments to Law 304 was rejected for exceeding the term within which the complaint can be filed. According to our law, the referral can be made in two to five days, depending on whether it is urgent or not. It was done after a month or so,” Valer Dorneanu said, informs.
On January 22, the Save Romania Union party (USR) filed to the Constitutional Court challenges regarding the draft laws to amend the laws of justice, arguing that it “undermines the independence of magistrates in Romania.”
The USR challenges were signed by all the 27 party deputies, 16 PMP deputies, four independent MPs and three PNL deputies.