Cyber-attacks on hospitals most likely come from China, SRI says

The specialists with the Cyberint National Centre with the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) suspect that the recent attacks on hospitals in Romania come from China, service representatives say, quoted by

“Regarding the cyber-attacks on hospitals, the Cyberint National Centre suspect the attackers are of Chinese origin. The time interval was considered, when the Chinese hackers are active and the clues left along with the ransom requests,” SRI says in a release.

Hospitals in four cities have been attacked, in Bucharest, Huși, Dorohoi and Alba.

Romanian cyber-attack experts announced on Thursday they have identified a significant rise in the ransomware cyber-attacks in Romania, with the latest ones against the computer systems in hospitals.

The Health Ministry confirmed the attacks, sending a warning to all medical units in the country to take all necessary measures to protect their systems from hackers.

Health Minister Sorina Pintea also announced the ministry would file a criminal complaint to DIICOT following the cyber-attacks in the Bucharest hospitals, revealing there have been similar incidents in the past as well, and in one such case the authorities paid EUR 10,000 to hackers to recover the data.

Constitutional Court chairman Valer Dorneanu, revealed Thursday that the CCR website was hacked last Friday, and it would be reconstructed. Dorneanu also announced he would file a criminal complaint on this matter to the competent authorities.


Chinacyber attackscyberint national centerDIICOThospitalsintelligence servicesorina pinteasrivaler dorneanu
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