Daruieste Viata NGO releases document proving it’s not mayor Firea who gave the plot of land for the oncology hospital for children

Co-founders of Daruiesti Viata NGO who is building an oncology hospital for children with cancer in Bucharest have released in a press conference on Thursday a document that proves it was not Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea the one who had given the plot of land where the hospital is being built, as the mayor had claimed.

The hospital, built in the courtyard of Marie Curie state hospital for children, is the first such unit destined to the children suffering of cancer, exclusively built from private funds and donations made by the Romanian citizens and local or foreign companies. EUR 26 million has been raised so far from donations. The hospital is to be given to the Romanian state.

The NGO co-founders, Oana Gheorghiu and Carmen Uscatu accused Gabriela Firea she had misinformed the opinion public when she claimed during a TV show that she also had a contribution to this hospital, for she was the one who gave the plot of land, which is very valuable, being worth EUR 1 million.

The NGO presented the land register extract of the plot of land, where it is mentioned that the owner of the land is the “Romanian State”.

“When we started this project we had to obtain the building permit, 22 opinions. The plot of land was he biggest challenge. It took us months to find out that the owner of the land is the Romanian Statee. We got the necessary permits from the Ministry of Finances, the District 4 City Hall, and after that the Bucharest General Council gave us the approval to demolish some ruins on that plot of land”, the two activists explained.

At the same time, Carmen Uscatu and Oana Gheorghiu announced they are working on a master plan to rebuild Marie Curie Hospital from scratch.

“We want to turn Marie Curie Hospital into a European hospital, because you cannot practice medicine at European standards in a hospital dating back in the past century”, Carmen Uscatu and Oana Gheorghiu said.

Marie Curie Hospital was donated by Poland to Romania. After the total rehabilitation, the hospital would be the largest and most modern hospital for children in Romania.

Mayor Firea launches new attack

From the other camp, Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea has launched a new attack against “Daruiste Viata” founders, accusing them of campaigning for a candidate to the Bucharest City Hall. Firea also claimed that the attack against her on Facebook after she had shared the “bad language” post is sponsored

While announcing she will run for a new term as Bucharest mayor, Firea said she doesn’t want her name to be mentioned related to the private hospital, but to be specified that the Capital City Hall had given the plot of land where the hospital is being built.

bucharest mayorcancercarmen uscatuchildrendaruieste viatadocumentdonationsGabriela FireahospitalNGOoana gheorghiuoncologyplot of landprivate fundsrow
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