Defence Minister Mircea Dusa on Thursday said that over 300 Romanian military trained at the military educational institutions in the country are activating at present in NATO command centers or within European Union’s military bodies.
Dusa attended the academic year-end festivity at “Mihai Viteazul” National Military College in Alba Iulia. This year, 109 pupils have graduated Alba Iulia military college, 20 girls included.
“Children, youngsters trained in these high schools have become remarkable military, officers, generals and today they are represented in the General Headquarters’ leadership, but also at the head of forces’ general staff. A lot of youngsters, over 300, are activating at present at NATO commands or in the EU and NATO leadership military bodies,” Romanian DefMin pointed out.
During the festivities in Alba Iulia military college, Dusa awarded aggrandized a young officer who has recently graduated from famous West Point University.