DIICOT searches at Tarom on suspicions of organized criminal group

The prosecutors with the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) have conducted, on Tuesday, searches at Tarom, having as targets a trade union leader and several mechanics suspected of embezzlement. Judicial sources say the searches also target an organized criminal group.

The company’s director, Madalina Mezei, said some offenses are being investigated, with an ongoing investigation in rem, adding that the searches have aimed the trade union offices, not the company, hotnews.ro reports.

Tarom Director General said some documents have been handed over to DIICOT prosecutors, based on an ordinance.

“It is about documents, based on an ordinance, it is not Tarom being searched. The searches have aimed the trade union’s office with the Technical Directorate. This follows previous controls at the company. We have the duty to hand over documents. This is an investigation in rem,” Tarom’s Director General Madalina Mezei said.

Early this year, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has ordered the Control Body to Tarom in order to check, among others, the regulations of the administration and control system, and the context in which two Airbus A310 aircraft were sold in 2018.viorica dancila

In the autumn of 2016, Tarom has withdrawn from the fleet two airplanes and solt them in June 2018. On June 25, Tarom announced the selling of two Airbus A310 airplanes to Armenia Airways Aircompany for USD 5.48 million.

Armenia Airways AircompanyDIICOTDirector General Madalina MezeiOrganized Crime and Terrorismorganized criminal groupsearchesTechnical Directoratetrade unionviorica dancila
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