The National Anti-corruption Directorate’s deputy head, Marius Iacob, has stepped down from this position on Tuesday, after the Supreme Court had ruled on Monday that he should face disciplinary action. The anti-corruption prosecutor has got a warning at the Judiciary Inspection’s request after the prosecutors within the Superior Council of Magistracy had initially dismissed charges against him.
Last year, the Judiciary Inspection asked the CSM prosecutors to sanction Marius Iacob, as DNA deputy chief prosecutor. Inspectors were accusing Iacob that he had decided that an anti-corruption prosecutor under his command should represent DNA in a civil case opened by another prosecutor who had been sacked from DNA, thus breaking the law, as DNA should have been represented in court by the directorate’s legal adviser.
In a first court, the section for prosecutors within CSM denied disciplinary charges, but the Judiciary Inspection decided to challenge the ruling to the Supreme Court.
Yesterday, a five-judge panel in civil matters from the High Court of Cassation and Justice has admitted the appeal filed by the Judiciary Inspection, thus ordering disciplinary action against Marius Iacob.
The prosecutor has got the mildest sanction stipulated by the Magistrate Statute, the warning, but the law says that any kind of disciplinary action involves revocation from any management position. Under these circumstances, Marius Iacob has resigned from the position of the DNA deputy chief prosecutor.