Former DIICOT chief, Alina Bica, placed on APB warrant

The former chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) has been placed on APB warrant for ‘favouring the offender’.

Her photo and information about the warrant are posted on the Romanian Police website, together with more than 1,000 Romanians on APB warrant, informs.

On Bica’s name there is a warrant for serving the sentence in jail issued on June 26 by the Bucharest Court, Criminal Section I.

According to procedures, the Police have requested the court to issue a European Arrest Warrant.

The Supreme Court has decided on June 26 to acquit former DIICOT chief prosecutor Alina Bica in the file on the businessman Horia Simu, where Bica had been sentenced to 3.5 years in prison in first court for favouring the offender. The ruling is final.

At the same time, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has maintained a previous ruling against Bica, of 4 years in prison in the file where former Economy Minister, Adriean Videanu, had been prosecuted. Videanu has been acquitted. The ruling is also final.

Alina Bica requested the status of political refugee in Costa Rica, in January. However, last week, businessman Ovidiu Tender’s wife declared that allegedly she is no longer in Costa Rica, but in Panama.

Besides Alina Bica, former Minister Elena Udrea has been officially placed by the Romanian Police, recently, on APB warrant for bribe taking and abuse of office. A photo of Udrea has been posted on the Police website, after the request to the court for a European Arrest Warrant applicable between EU Member States and a request for international prosecution.


adriean videanuAlina Bicaapb warrantbucharest courtCosta Ricadiicot chief prosecutorelena udreEuropean arrest warrantHigh Courthoria simujail sentenceovidiu tenderPanamaromanian policesupreme court
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