Former PM Mihai Tudose, Senator Serban Nicolae –CNCD sanctions for statements on Szeklers’ flag and respectively for offensive reply to MP Cosette Chichirău

Former Prime Minister Mihai Tudose was sanctioned by the National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD) on Wednesday with the contravention notice after the statement made by him – “If the flag [Szecklers’] waves in the wind, all those responsible there will wage near the flag.” CNCD has decided that the statement of the former prime minister “represents discrimination and violates the right to dignity, according to article 2, paragraph 1 and article 15 of the Government Ordinance No 137/2000, republished, with the subsequent amendments and completions”.

According to the CNCD, “the Steering Board has applied the sanction of contravention warning, given that Mr. Mihai Tudose has publicly apologized for these statements.”

The decision was adopted unanimously by the votes of those present (6 votes).

Also on Wednesday, Senator Serban Nicolae was sanctioned by CNCD with a warning for the replies to MP Cosette Chichirău. The Council held that Nicolae was provoked by the deputy.

“Senator Serban Nicolae’s assertion addressed to Mrs. MP Cosette Chichirău, saying “I have a picture of you having anal sex,” represents discrimination and violates the right to dignity under Article 2, paragraph 1 and Article 15 of the Government Ordinance no.137/2000, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions. The CNCD leadership applied the sanction of the contravention notice to Senator Şerban Nicolae, given the attenuating circumstances of the act: there was a challenge from the deputy and the sanctioned statement was part of the dialogue between the two parties during which they made accusations and mutual offenses, and the College also took into account the fact that, after the incident, the senator publicly apologized for the language used,” the CNCD informs in a press release.

The decision was adopted unanimously by those present.

“The board recommends the opinion makers, including the political class, to refrain from using inappropriate, discriminatory language. Reasoned judgments will be communicated to the parties within the legal timeframe and are subject to appeal to the administrative litigation court,” CNCD says.

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CNCDcosette chichirauCouncil for Combating DiscriminationdecisiondeputydignitylanguageMihai Tudosesanctionsenator Serban Nicolae
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