Health Minister announces huge wage increases for the medical staff as of March – 70 to 172pc

Health Minister, Sorina Pintea, has announced on Thursday, in a press conference, that the wages in the medical system will get closer to the level registered in the EU, adding that some wages will even exceed EUR 4,000.

“The wage increases take place in two stages. Starting January 1, 2018, the gross wages in the health system went up by 25% against the level in December 2017, including the allowances to be paid by December 31, 2017. As of March 1, 2018, the physicians and nurses’ wages will increase to the level of the basic salaries set for 2022. In this context, as of March 1, the basic wages of doctors and nurses, gross salaries, will rise by 70% and 172%,” the minister said.

Sorina Pintea also said that the unitary approach to the wage law has led to some adjustments. “According to the law, a 25% increase in the gross salary is provided, provided that it does not exceed the level set by law for the year 2022. Thus, the wages were adjusted up or down to fit into the salary scale,” Pintea said.

Health Minister added that “there is a special interest in resident doctors, who will benefit from significant increases, and will benefit from residency scholarships until the new scale comes into force. As of March 1, the gross salaries will increase between 151 and 287%, depending on the specialty.

Minister Pintea mentioned that there are also cases where the wage increases are very low or not at all.

The minister also spoke about the cases of public health directors and explained why the 25% increase cannot be applied.

Following the Impact Study, the minister said about 3% of the medical staff will see their wages cut. “But not with big problems, it is about the interpretation of the law. For counsellors, the wages will drop by 23%,” the minister explained.


allowancescounsellorsdoctorsEuropean Unionhealth directorshealth ministerhealth systemmedical systemnursesresident doctorssalary scalescholarshipssorina pinteawages
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