Health Minister: We are close to the moment of doubling or tripling COVID-19 cases on a daily basis

Health minister Nelu Tataru told Digi24 that authorities can manage the current situation of increasing cases of Coronavirus in Romania, but warned “the spread within the community is deepening and we are close to a moment when we’ll see daily cases doubling or tripling”.

“We are currently able to manage this increase which has been forecast somehow, but we still recommend people to observe the social distancing and hygiene rules, such as wearing face masks in enclosed spaces, at the office or in the means of transport.

If these rules are observed, me an my colleagues can manage these progressive increases, they are not exponential rises, and we can manage better the cases in intensive care,” the minister said.

Tataru explained that Romania started from a downward trend with a spread of 0.6-0.7 and we reached a transmission of 1.2- 1.4.

“So, there is a transmission within community at this point, it is deepening and we are close to a moment when we’ll see the case doubling or tripling on a daily basis.

That will be a moment when we’ll have a problem. We are not at that moment but I repeat: To avoid that moment, the social distancing and hygiene rules must be still observed”.

COVID-19doublinghealth ministernelu tatarutripling
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