New rules: COVID testing at home

New rules for home COVID-19 testing have come into force. Those who have symptoms specific to the new coronavirus infection can request to be tested at home either by calling the DSP Bucharest Call Center number or by filling out an online form.

The decision was announced by the Bucharest Public Health Directorate (DSP), as the Bucharest Ambulance is struggling to cope with home testing requests, amid the explosion of the number of COVID-19 cases.

To request home testing against COVID-19, people who have symptoms related to the SARS-CoV-2 infection can call the DSP Bucharest’s Call Center, at 021-9462, where operators will take over the request and will deliver it to the Bucharest-Ilfov Ambulance Service in the shortest time (if you have severe symptoms you must directly call 112!).

At the same time, to make the process easier, STS has operationalised an online form on the Bucharest DSP website:”

All fields in the form are required. If the fields are not filled in completely, the home test request will not be registered.

ambulancecoronaviruscovidCOVID-19DSPhomepublic health directoratetesting
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