The latest robotic technology in neurosurgical practice, for the first time in Romania

MedLife, the private medical service network in Romania, marks a new premiere in innovation by integrating the latest robotic technology in neurosurgical practice in the world at Humanitas Hospital in Cluj, following an investment of approximately 2 million EUR. Specifically, we are talking about a suite comprised of the Brainlab mobile robotic imaging system, virtual augmentation, neuronavigation and robotic surgery with the help of which very complex and minimally invasive surgeries can be performed, forspinal cord disorders, as well as for brain disorders.

Currently, MedLife Humanitas Hospital is the first and only centre in Romania who owns this technology, at European level there are only 20 projects of this calibre.

“Innovation, technological advance and digitalisation are essential to improve medical activity and to obtain performance, and MedLife’s appetite in this direction is constantly growing from one year to another. Just imagine that five years ago, for the first time in Romania, we performed a 360 VR brain surgery, transmitted live, and now, by this investment, we are glad to put Romania on the map of standard centres at regional and even at European level in the field of neurosurgery”, declared Dorin Preda, Executive Manager of MedLife Group.

Complex interventions for spinal disorders, with minimal risks and quick recovery

The Bainlab suite of equipment located at the MedLife Humanitas Hospital in Cluj is comprised of the intraoperatory  three dimensional imaging system Loop-X, the neuronavigation system Curve and the robotic arm Cirq. This assembly, by means of its components, allows the application of surgical techniques which would not have been possible in classic neurosurgery. The MedLife Humanitas Hospital team uses the robotic system in approaching complex cases of spinal cord tumours and, especially, in the scope of deformities, the privilege of spinal robotic assisted spinal surgery.

In these cases, the imaging system allows a real time 3D scan offering high quality imaging data even during surgery. Afterwards, preoperatory imaging is merged with intraoperatory images, forming an integrate whole which helps surgeons in the extremely precise planning of surgery steps. The accuracy and precision of each surgical gesture is ensured by neuronavigation combined with the robotic arm.

Thus, minimally invasive surgical techniques can be performed by millimetric incisions and with a reduced effect on tissues. Patients feel the advantages of the Brainlab robotic technology by obtaining a shorter time spent in surgery, under general anaesthesia, a lower rate of complications, diminished postoperatory pain, the possibility of much quicker movement after surgery and a minimum hospitalisation period.

“A surgical intervention, however insignificant it may be, will change the patient’s life at that time. We, the neurosurgery team of the MedLife Humanitas Hospital have the goal of improving the patients’ quality of life by the surgery we practice. In this respect, we have implemented a top tier robotic system which offers us more precision in approaching an extremely complex spinal pathology. Thus, the accuracy of the surgeries increases, the rate of complications is drastically reduced and these aspects contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for our patients”, says Dr. Tiberiu Maior, primary neurosurgeon at MedLife Humanitas Hospital.

In addition to the robotic suite, MedLife Humanitas Hospital also owns augmented reality glasses and simulation. These allow a “journey” inside the human body and the direct visualisation of the pathology before the surgery, by navigating the 3D map generated by the Brainlab system from the CT or MRI investigations performed before surgery. Thus, the physician can plan the intervention with greater precision, and the patients benefits from a profound understanding of his/her pathology.

“If some years ago we were watching SF movies who showed us the revolutionary technologies of the future, here we are now, arrived in a new era where robots and augmented reality are available in Romanian operating rooms, improving the quality of the medical procedure. We are glad that with the integration of the robotic surgery, neuronavigation and intraoperatory imaging system, we managed to position MedLife Humanitas Hospital among standard centres at European level not only by the new and innovating concept, which combines extremely advanced technology elements, but also by the complex approach of spinal pathologies. Our goal for the future is to share our experience with other colleagues in the country and abroad”, adds neurosurgeon Tiberiu Maior.

The use of the neuronavigation, robotic surgery and intraoperatory imaging system requires, first, solid experience in spinal surgery of the medical teams and a very abrupt learning curve. In this respect, good physicians from the MedLife Hospital in Cluj have graduated several courses and trainings in specialised centres in Europe and are glad to continue to have the permanent support of the Brainlab professionals’ team in Germany.

BrainlabClujHumanitas HospitalinnovationMedLifemobile robotic imaging systemneurosurgicalrobotic technologyRomania
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