Which are the risk factors for death in patients infected with coronavirus?

Patients with COVID-19 in Romania who also had cardiovascular diseases had a probability 3.48 higher to die, according to an analysis released by the National Centre for Disease Prevention and Control on the risk factors for death.

Chronic kidney diseases rank second, while cancer comes third on risks of death in case of a COVID-19 infection.

Overall, among those 21,766 patients with COVID-19 who have been monitored, those who also had cardiovascular diseases had a probability of death 3.48 higher than the patients with no such pre-existing condition. At the same time, there is a higher association between the risk factors and deaths. Men continue to have a higher risk factor for death.

Comparing men and women, out of those 11,799 women confirmed with COVID-19 who were surveyed, those who had a compromised immunity had a higher evolution (5.41 times higher) to death. So, in case of women infected with SARS-CoV-2, the first risk factor for death is the compromised immunity, chronic kidney diseases rank two and cardiovascular diseases come third. Chronic liver diseases rank fourth and cancer fifth in the case of women.

For those 9.967 men with coronavirus surveyed in this study, the first risk factor for death are the cardiovascular diseases, cancer ranks second, chronic liver diseases rank third, diabetes rank fourth and kidney diseases come fifth.

cancercardiovascular diseaseschronic kidney diseasecoronavirusCOVID-19deathdiabetesmenNational Centre for Disease Prevention and Controlpatientsrisk factorsroiskwomen
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