The new deputy chief prosecutor of the Special Section for Investigating Judiciary Offenses (Magistrates – SIIJ, our note) is Judge Nicolae Marin. The decision was made on Tuesday by the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) plenary.
“The CSM plenary has decided to appoint Mr. Marin Nicolae, prosecutor, in the position of deputy Chief Prosecutor with the Special Section for Investigating Judiciary Offenses for a 3-year term, as of June 4, 2019,” the CSM decision reads, according to The decision was made with 8 votes for, 6 votes against and one void ballot).
SIIJ deputy Chief Prosecutor Adina Florea was among the candidates considered fit to run in the contest. Sorin Eugen Iasinovschi and Bogdan Ciprian Pirlog have also run. The latter was rejected for lacking 18 years seniority as prosecutor.