Judicial Inspectorate opens disciplinary action against High Court chair Cristina Tarcea, responsible for postponing procedures on 5-judge panels

The chairwoman of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ – Supreme Court) Cristina Tarcea is responsible for postponing the procedures on the 5-judge and 2-judge panels, the Judicial Inspectorate has decided. The conclusions will reach the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) judges’ section which could decide to sanction the ICCJ head.

The JI started the disciplinary action against Iulia Cristina Tarcea for the unreasoned refusal to complete a duty and for not observing the dispositions on the random distribution of files in the case of 5-judges panels, digi24.ro informs.

These disciplinary misbehaviours are provided by article 99, letter f) of Law no. 303/2004.

Should the CSM judges section decided to sanction Tarcea, even only by warning, she will lose the ICCJ chair position.

The steps taken against the ICCJ chair comes from Judge Lia Savonea, who asked for Cristina Tarcea’s revocation. Lia Savonea will take over the position of CSM chair as of January 1, 2019.

On the other hand, an NGO of Romanians in the US filed a complaint against Cristina Tarcea in the case of the 5-judge panels.

5-judge panelscouncil of magistracyCristina TarceaCSMHigh Courtjudicial inspecoratelia savoneasupreme court
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