Justice Ministry releases list of people who visited the SIPA archive (III). Who are they?

The Justice Ministry has published on Thursday the list of those who had access to the SIPA archives after its dissolution, with 22 visits registered.

On December 12, 2013, when Minister of Justice was Robert Cazanciuc, had access to the archives: Andronache Florian-Teodor, Stef  Marius, Oltenaş Adrian and Tiliban Nicolae.

Florian Teodor Andronache was advisor to Rober Cazanciuc, who, according to the wealth statements in 2013 and 2014, was Intelligence Service (SRI) officer.

Marius Ştef, Tiliban Nicolae and Oltenaş Adrian at the time worked for the National Penitentiary Administration (ANP).

Previously, in 2007-2008, several committees had access to the archive for inventory. Among those who had access to some of the documents are employees of the Ministry of Justice at that time, or persons working in the National Administration of Penitentiaries.

Doina Armean is currently a prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office upon the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ – Supreme Court). Previously, for several years, she was detached to the Ministry of Justice.

Marius Iosif – former judge and former head of the National Penitentiary Administration. He allegedly had access to documents for 18 times.

Horia Georgescu, the former head of the National Integrity Agency (ANI), had access to the archive 8 times. “There is no secret that I was part of the SIPA (third) committee as a member, along with other colleagues in the ministry,” Horia Georgescu wrote on his Facebook page before the release of the list by the Ministry of Justice.

Iulia Scântei, currently Senator, was part of the committee set up by Tudor Chiuariu and visited the archive 9 times. She stated, at the moment of bringing the subject to public attention, that none of the members were allowed to enter alone the classified files, which allegedly did not happen before the committee set up by minister Chiuariu’s order. Asked if the committee set up during Monica Macovei’s mandate was operating under the same rules, Iuliana Scântei replied: “No”.

Paul Dumitriu is currently department head prosecutor with the Anticorruption Directorate (DNA). Dumitriu was part of the inventory committee during Justice Minister Monica Macovei’s mandate.

Cristi Danileţ, judge, a former member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM), was also member of one of the inventory committees.

Andronache Florian-TeodorANICristi DaniletDNAHigh Court of Cassation and JusticeICCJintelligence servicejustice ministrynational penitentiary administrationOltena? AdrianProsecutor's OfficeRobert CazanciucSIPA archivessriStef Mariussuperior council of magistracysupreme courtTiliban Nicolae
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