Anti-corruption, police heads detained for corruption in Prahova

The head of the Prahova General Anti-corruption Direction, Constantin Ispas, Deputy Chief Inspector of the Prahova County Police Inspectorate Adrian Radulescu and Emanuel Saghel, officer within the Ploiesti Brigade for Fighting Organized Crime have been placed on remand in a corruption file on Monday night, after more than 11 hours of hearings.

Constantin Ispas, Emanuel Saghel and the deputy chief of the Prahova County Police, Adrian Radulescu have been taken to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate Ploiesti on Monday morning to be heard in a corruption file.

Asked if he has been taken from work or from his place, Ispas answered he is on vacation. He also denied he helped criminals get away with certain files.

Upon leaving the DNA offices, Emanuel Saghel replied that he expected to get there because he knew how they operated, while Adrian Radulescu said he did not expect that.
Ispas is standing accused of influence peddling, financial operations, such as commercial operations, incompatible with his current position, bribe taking, using directly or indirectly insider information and allowing access of unauthorised persons to such information, money laundering and abusive investigation.
Radulescu is standing accused of abusive investigation, while Saghel is accused of blackmail, influence peddling, direct or indirect use of confidential information, or allowing access of unauthorized persons to such information, and bribe taking.

Digi24 reports that the two suspects disclosed secret information to several shady leaders in the county. Observatorul de Prahova daily says that Ispas would have given secret information from the files of some businessmen in town who face criminal charges. Ispas would allegedly assured them he would do his best so that these files would be closed.

anti-corruptioncounty policedirectionDNAgeneralheadhearingsinterior ministryprahova
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