The Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers has adopted an Interim Resolution strongly exhorting Romanian authorities to secure redress to the applicants for the violations found by the European Court of Human Rights in the case S.C. Polyinvest S.R.L. and Others v. Romania and another five similar cases.
The Interim Resolution refers to six judgments covering nine applications concerning the non-implementation of domestic court decisions or of arbitral awards given between 2000 and 2011, which ordered State-controlled companies to pay various amounts to the applicant parties.
“The Committee of Ministers deeply regrets that, despite its urgent and repeated calls, the Romanian authorities have not yet made the required payments, and it expresses an utmost concern at their continuing failure to secure redress to the applicants.
The Interim Resolution, whilst deploring the prolonged absence of any information on any developments to provide remedy to these cases, calls on the Romanian authorities to keep the Committee of Ministers duly informed of all relevant developments.
It also reiterates that Romania, as every contracting State to the Convention, has an unconditional obligation to abide by the final judgments of the Court,” reads a press release.