CSM releases second protocol concluded with SRI

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) has released the second protocol concludes with the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) in 2012, a protocol that was denounced in 2017.

The protocol, ranked as “top secret”, has three pages and is signed by the former CSM head at that time, Alina Nicoleta Ghica and her deputy, Oana Schmidt-Haineala and by the ex-director of SRI, George Maior and his former deputy, Florian Coldea.

The parties will cooperate, according to the jurisdictions and tasks stipulated by the law, with the aim of ensuring the independence and carrying out justice, as well as of identifying, preventing and countering the vulnerabilities and risk factors that might affect the legality, the rule of law, and the climate to exert the fundamental rights, liberties and duties of the citizens, as national security values, according to the democratic norms and principles settled by the Constitution,” reads one of the protocol’s provisions.

The cooperation meant that CSM and SRI should efficiently capitalize the possibilities to identify in advance and remove in due time some deeds that might affect the judiciary act or the national security.

Moreover, they should inform each other and exchange information and data that might be useful for their activities or that might help them drafting treatises. The protocol also stipulated that the two institutions could analyse draft laws related to the parties’ work.

CSM has released his first secret protocol inked with SRI in 2014, through Cyberint National Center. The document was meant to ensure the Council’s cyber security, namely “to protect the institution’s informatics networks, within the national protection system for the IT&C infrastructures of national interest, against the cyber threats, conducted by the SRI and by other partner institutions within the European funding programme POSCEE. The document is not a classified one.”

CSMjusticenational securityromanian intelligence servicesecond protocolsrisuperior council of magistracytop secret
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