DNA asks ICCJ to ban the dissolution or liquidation of Carpatica Asig SA

Prosecutors with the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) have requested the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ – Supreme Court) to make a preventive measure for a duration of 60 days consisting in the banning the initiation of the procedures for dissolution and liquidation on SC Carpatica Asig SA, or, where appropriate, the suspension of the initiated dissolution and liquidation procedures, if, on trial of this application, these procedures have been already initiated.

The Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) has decided the insolvency of the company, the company being sued in a file dealt with by DNA.

In the application to the ICCJ, the prosecutors show that the situation created following the ASF decision creates the risk of liquidation and deregistration of the defendant legal entity in the short term, so that it can no longer be held as criminally responsible, DNA explains.

The company was indicted, as legal entity, for offenses of influence buying and bribery on April 25, 2014, the investigation being in appeal.

Anticorruption DirectorateASFbriberyCarpatica Asig SAdissolutionDNAfinancial supervisory authorityHigh Court of Cassation and JusticeICCJinfluence buyingliquidationprosecutorssupreme court
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