Doctor Mircea Beuran, detained by anti-corruption prosecutors, placed under house arrest

Doctor Mircea Beuran has been detained for 24 hours by the anti-corruption prosecutors on Thursday night, for bribe taking. Beuran had been heard at the National Anti-corruption Directorate for eight hours before being apprehended. The Bucharest Tribunal decided today to place the doctor under house arrest for 30 days. The ruling can be though challenged by appeal.

Mircea Beuran is accused of accepting and receiving bribe mounting to EUR 10,000 from a person, a doctor in a hospital in  Bucharest (who is witness in this case).

More precisely, Beuran got the bribe in order to propose a tender for an academic position of assistant lecturer within the “Carol Davila” Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty in Bucharest.

At that time, Beuran was president of the University Senate, was also heading the Surgery Department 10, was head of General Surgery Discipline and university professor at Carol Davila Medicine Faculty.

In exchange for EUR 10,000, Beuran had to ensure that the person who paid him the bribe won the assistant lecturer position.

However, the position has never been proposed for tender up to the present day and the doctor reported Beuran to DNA.

Mircea Beuran was involved lately in a scandal at Floreasca Hospital, where he was chief of surgery, after a woman died after suffering severe burns during surgery. Beuran was dismissed from that position.

Mircea Beuran was Health Minister in Adrian Nastase Government. He resigned then from the minister seat following a high-sounding plagiarism scandal.

assistant lecturerbribeCarol Davila Medicine and Pharmacy Universitydoctoreur 100000Mircea Beuranposition
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