Main suspect in the Caracal case confesses to murders

The main suspect in the Caracal case, Gheorghe Dincă, has confessed to killing 15-year-old Alexandra Măceșanu, and also Luiza Melencu (aged 18), the man’s lawyer has announced.The killer has also admitted he had beaten them and burnt the girls after killing them, but denied rape charges. He would have told investigators that girls would have willingly come to him to have sex.

Sources within the investigators said the man killed Alexandra after he realized the girl had called 112.

After his confessions, there have been tense moments, with 100 people protesting at the gate of his house. The mother and grandfather of Luiza, the 18yo tee girl missing since April, started to hit the gate that was watched by the police. “Look what you’ve done, whom are you protecting gentlemen, a criminal?” Luiza’s desperate mother shouted to the police officers. Then, both the mother and the grandfather fainted and people called the ambulance.

For now it is not known if the author has also announced where the bodies of the girls are. So far, investigators have found no body, but only human remains.

They are now searching a landfill 300m away from the killer’s house.

66yo Gheorghe Dincă’s confession comes after coroners had confirmed on Sunday morning that preliminary DNA tests show the bones found in the killer’s courtyard are human bones.

At the same time, Alexandra’s clothes, jewels and hair were discovered in the killer’s car and house.

alexandra macesanubonesburntcaracalconfessioncoronersgheorghe dincagirlshumankillerluiza melencumurdersrapesex
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  • Alin Rostogolea


    To the Lord and to you, I ask mercy:
    The killer, please, do not punish him.
    Justice is not done in prison,
    Close your eyes! Let your parents punish him!

    Only to be judged by mothers!
    To be broken and chewed in your teeth!
    Do not condemn him, do not shoot him with weapons,
    Create a law: let your parents punish it!

    Do not condemn him, parents condemn him,
    We all pay so many prisoners.
    Give “overnight” a Romanian law,
    And the killer, his parents to condemn!

    We cry, the angels and the Saints cry
    And we wait. The decision is with you.
    Leave him one night with his parents
    And the right to call 112!