New charges against the Colectiv nightclub owners

The owners of the Colectiv nightclub and the representatives of the fireworks company have been subpoenaed at the General Prosecutor’s Office on Friday to inform that the prosecution had been extended in their cases.

The three owner of the Colectiv nightclub, Alin Anastasescu, Paul Gancea and Costin Mincu are now facing new charges: bodily injury in continued form and not compliance with the legal norms regarding the Occupational Safety. They have been initially prosecuted for manslaughter and bodily injury.

The Colectiv owners were set free at the end of December last year after serving a two-month jail time.

The prosecutors accuse the three men of allowing a too large number of people inside the nightclub, considering that the venue had no evacuation exit. They are also prosecuted for allowing a pyro show despite the fact that the club’s walls were made of inflammable materials.

Ten days ago, the Bucharest Tribunal on Monday overruled the General Prosecutor’s Office request to extend the house arrest for the Colectiv club owners by 30 days. The ruling is final, therefore Alin George Anastasescu, Paul Gancea and Costin Mincu will be investigated at large, under judicial control, meaning they will be subject to legal restrictions pending trial.

64 youngsters were killed by the devastating fire occurred on October 30, 2015.

bodily injurycolectivfirworksnew chargesnightclubnormsoccupational safetyowners
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