Puiu Popoviciu escapes 7-year prison sentence in the “Băneasa Farm” case

The Supreme Court on Wednesday definitively overturned the 7-year prison sentence received in 2017 by Gabriel Puiu Popoviciu and ordered the acquittal of the businessman for corruption in connection with the association of his company, SC Băneasa Investments SA, with the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in the capital for a 224-hectare plot of land.

The Supreme Court thus upheld the decision pronounced in July by the Bucharest Court of Appeal, a decision then challenged by the DNA.Rejects, as unfounded, the appeals filed by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice – National Anticorruption Directorate and the civil parties the Romanian State through the Ministry of Finance and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest against criminal sentence no. 110/F of 12.07.2024 pronounced by the Bucharest Court of Appeal – Criminal Section I, in file no. 46/1/2020″, is the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice.

The magistrates thus admitted Puiu Popoviciu’s request for review of the prison sentence. The argument of the Bucharest Court of Appeal – the first instance that acquitted Popoviciu – was that “the act does not exist”.

“Admits the request for review formulated by the reviewer Popoviciu Gabriel-Aurel, the effects of which were also extended to the defendants Alecu Ioan Niculae, Bejenaru Andrei Mihai, Diaconescu Ștefan, Șerban Ilie Cornel, Pitcovici Petru Daniel, Luican Mihai Ion Florin, Toader Gabriel Răsvan, Todiraș Ioan, Minea Lizeta, Petrulian Gheorghe. Annuls the criminal sentence no. 115/F/23.06.2016 pronounced by the CAB in file no. 9577/2/2012, final by criminal decision no. 266/A/02.08.2017 of the ICCJ and in the retrial of the criminal side reunited with the civil side that is the subject of criminal file no. 46/1/2020: pursuant to art. 396 paragraph 5 Cpp rap. to art. 16 letter a, acquits the defendant Alecu Ioan Niculae, for committing the crime of abuse of office in a qualified form since the act does not exist. Acquits the defendant Popoviciu Gabriel-Aurel, for committing the crimes of complicity in abuse of office in a qualified form and for committing the crime of bribery, since the acts do not exist”, the CAB sentence states.

The other defendants in the file also received an acquittal decision.

In August 2017, businessman Gabriel Puiu Popoviciu was definitively sentenced by the Supreme Court to 7 years in prison in the “Băneasa Farm” case, in which he was tried alongside nine other people. In the first instance, Popoviciu had been sentenced to nine years in prison with execution. For four of the people tried in this case, the acts were time-barred.
In May 2023, Judge Adriana Pencea of ​​the Bucharest Court of Appeal granted Popoviciu’s request for review, ordered a retrial of the case, and suspended the execution of the 7-year prison sentence, a decision that also became final at the ICCJ.
Consequently, Judge Liana Arsene, who was judging the civil side of the Băneasa case, withdrew the European arrest warrant issued for Popoviciu.
Puiu Popoviciu left Romania before the sentence was pronounced, as he was in the United Kingdom, from where the Romanian authorities tried unsuccessfully to extradite him. He was initially detained in London, but was released on bail of 200,000 pounds sterling.
Later, in 2021, the High Court of Justice of Great Britain definitively rejected Romania’s request to extradite the businessman, with British judges reasoning that Popoviciu was not tried by an impartial tribunal in Romania and had “suffered a complete denial” of his rights to a fair trial, as protected by Article 6 of the ECHR.
According to G4Media, Puiu Popoviciu is the son-in-law of the former communist Minister of the Interior, Ion Dincă, known as Teleagă. He is the owner of the Băneasa mall and a real estate developer. In the past, together with another tycoon, Radu Dimofte, he was a co-owner of the KFC and Pizza Hut franchises and the Howard Johnson (now Sheraton) and Ramada hotels. In the meantime, the two have separated their businesses.
Baneasa Farmcasecourtescapesprisonprison sentencePuiu PopoviciuUnited Kingdom
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