Searches at Timisoara City Hall in a file concerning sales of nationalized houses to tenants

DNA prosecutors have conducted on Tuesday morning searches at the Timisoara City Hall in a file investigating the sale of nationalized houses to tenants, including magistrates, police officers and many Roma families, informs.

According to judicial sources, the DNA prosecutors have conducted searches at City Hall Timisoara, in a file concerning the sale of houses under Law 112/1995.

According to the quoted sources, under this law several nationalized houses, located in the city centre, have been sold to magistrates, prosecutors, police officers and to some Roma families. The Roma ethnics usually bought an apartment in a nationalized building and, using terror, would convince the other owners to sell the apartments for low prices, the entire building entering into the possession of the Roma family.

City HallDNAnationalized housesprosecutorsRoma familiessearchestimisoara
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