#SigurantaOnline: Beware of fake discounts and miracle investments. How to avoid digital traps during the holiday season?

The holiday season is a peak time for online fraud attempts. The Romanian Banking Association (ARB), the Romanian Police and the National Cybersecurity Directorate (DNSC), initiators of the national awareness project #SigurantaOnline (sigurantaonline.ro), offer essential advice for a peaceful holiday season free from financial or security incidents.

The #SigurantaOnline campaign provides users with clear and useful information on the most common types of fraud and how to prevent them during the gift-giving season:

Fraud prevention guide: recognizing dangerous typologies

Fake discount fraud:

    1. Example: Exaggerated discounts or offers that seem “too good to be true” are often traps. Accessing links or making payments through these platforms can lead to the theft of personal and financial data.
    2. Recommendation: Pay close attention to shopping websites and avoid the allure of offers that are too good to be true!

Miracle investment fraud:

    1. Example: If someone offers you a “unique” investment opportunity with “zero risk” and “guaranteed returns” in a short time, be sure it’s a fraud.
    2. Recommendation: There are no get-rich-quick schemes! Do not install investment-related applications at the request of financial consultants, and before investing, verify that the offer is legitimate.

Spoofing fraud (impersonating another institution/person):

    1. Example: Regardless of the number/name of the institution displayed on your phone screen, remember that no employee of a bank, police, or other authority will ask you to make a transfer, access a loan, or provide your bank card details.
    2. Recommendation: Do not let yourselves be miled! Avoid making any payments under pressure. Fraudsters may use any pretext; your responsibility is to perform all checks before acting. For example, call your bank at the phone number listed on the bank’s website if you receive a suspicious call related to your bank accounts!

Phishing fraud (suspicious emails or messages):

    1. Example: Messages requesting urgent account data updates or payment confirmations through suspicious links may redirect to fake pages that collect sensitive information.
    2. Recommendation: Update your personal data through the official channels provided by your bank. Never provide your Internet/Mobile Banking login details or the details on the front and back of your card. Card details should only be used by the cardholder when making payments on secure websites and not when connected to a public WI-FI network; it must be a secure network.

Social Media giveaway fraud:

    1. Example: Fake contests on social media that request personal data or payments “to claim the prize” can be traps for identity theft or accessing financial accounts.
    2. Recommendation: Remain vigilant against online fraud attempts.

Further recommendations for a peaceful holiday season:

  • Use secure payment methods through reputable platforms.
  • Protect your devices with updated software and antivirus solutions.
  • Never share sensitive data, such as your card PIN or passwords, via email or phone.
  • Be wary of any offer that is “too good to be true.”

Enjoy a safe holiday season

The #SigurantaOnline campaign aims to educate and protect users against cyber fraud. With the support of the Romanian Police, DNSC, and ARB, the community can take proactive measures to avoid digital traps. For more information and resources, visit www.sigurantaonline.ro and test your knowledge with the interactive quiz available on the site.

The national digital education and cybercrime prevention project #SigurantaOnline aims to provide best practices in cybersecurity through access to the platform sigurantaonline.ro to prevent young people and children from becoming victims of cyber fraud, child pornography, or malware attacks. The project is an initiative of the Romanian Police, the National Cybersecurity Directorate, and the Romanian Banking Association, with partners including the Swiss Embassy in Romania, Swiss WebAcademy, and ATTACK Simulator.

#SigurantaOnlinedigitalfinancialholidayNational Cybersecurity Directorate (DNSC)online fraudRomanian Banking Association (ARB)securitySwiss Embassy in RomaniaSwiss WebAcademythe Romanian Policetraps
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