Lucian Netejoru, confirmed by CSM as Judicial Inspectorate chief

The Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) plenary, following the debates on Wednesday, has validated the contest for taking over the position of chief of the Judicial Inspectorate, with Lucian Netejoru winner of another term to lead the institution.

Judge Lucian Netejoru obtained another term as chief of the Judicial Inspectorate, following the contest on March 28 by the CSM, being the sole competitor and obtaining 100 points. The vote on Wednesday has validated the contest, reports.

Contradictory discussions have taken place during the plenary sitting, some of the CSM members saying that the procedure exceeded the regulation’s framework.

Last week, the prosecutors’ association ‘Initiative for Justice’ requested President Klaus Iohannis to attend the plenary sitting of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) scheduled initially on Tuesday, May 14, on reasons related to the contest for the Judicial Inspectorate’s top position.

CSM was also to decide last Tuesday on the organization of the contest for the top position of the Special Section for Offenses in the Judiciary (SIIJ – section for investigating magistrates, our note).

The CSM sitting was postponed at the time due to lack of quorum.


contestcouncil of magistracyCSMinitiative for justicejudicial inspectorateklaus iohannislucian netejoruplenary sittingsiij
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