Mazor X, the most cutting-edge neurosurgery robot in the world, reaches hospital in Romania

The most cutting-edge robot used in the neurosurgery and in the spinal surgery, worth EUR 1.2 million, has been bought for a hospital in Romania, more precisely „Professor doctor Nicolae Oblu” Neurosurgery Hospital in Iasi, eastern country.

According to the manager, doctor Lucian Eva, the neurosurgery hospital in Iasi is the only one in the country that has such a cutting-edge technology.

The hospital manager explained the Mazor X robot is a system that is able to provide the surgeon with a 100% certainty, as it has 6 degrees of freedom of motion. There are 142 similar robots in the world, most of them in the USA, but Mazor X is a unique, the latest version worldwide.

It will be very useful to the surgeries that will not need big cuts, but only incisions, as the patient will be able to recover much quickly and to leave home in two or three days,” doctor Lucian Eva told a press conference on Friday.

The manager added the robot will be used in all that means traumatic pathology, in tumors, degenerative diseases and spinal deformities, such as children’s scoliosis.
The robot is able to remove all human error when a device is implanted in the spinal cord, but it will still need the presence of the surgeon in the operating room.

The surgeries will be carried out virtually, the surgery is set virtually in a pre-op planning, the robot takes over the images, the patient is placed on the operating table, he/she is scanned and the robot is overlapping the real images on the virtual surgery. The mechanism is quite sophisticated, needing even bio engineers.

The robot has been purchased with money allotted by Iasi County Council. The first surgery will be though performed in two months, after doctors will be trained to use it.

childrencutting-edgedoctorshospitaliasimazor xneurosurgerypatientsrobotscoliosisspinal cordspinal surgery
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