Medical residency exam postponed. Gov’t, President blame each other

The medical residency exam is postponed for the first time in Romania. The exam should have taken place on November 17, but newly graduated doctors will be able to take the exam on December 8, Health minister Sorina Ponta has announced on Friday. She claimed the delay had been due to President Iohannis’ denial to name an interim minister of Education. Both Health and Education ministers must sign the order that gives the go-ahead for the residency examination.

“The exam should take place on November 17. The Health Ministry has prepared all documents, but, considering there is no Education minister yet or interim minister at least, we cannot issue these normative acts to approve the exam on November 17.

Although I hope we will not come to this and that we’ll have an Education minister, here we are we have to postpone the exam”, minister Pintea said.

PM Viorica Dăncilă also accused the head of state that it is because of him the medical residency exam is postponed, and that “he is jeopardizing an entire generation of young doctors who will not be able to take this residency exam in due time”.

“President Iohannis ignores Romania’s need for doctors and high quality medical services while deliberately blocking the access of thousands who graduated the med school”, the premier posted on Facebook.

The future doctors have asked on Thursday that the crisis should be solved so that they can take the exam as scheduled, on November 17.

governmenthealth ministermed schoolmedicalmedical residency exampm viorica dancilapresident klaus iohannissorina pintea
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