Migrants want to reach the Schengen area, in countries with higher wages. They would just pass through Romania, IOM representative says

Romania might face a wave of migrants just because they would be only passing through, wishing to get to Schengen area, and if some of those who could get asylum here will want to integrate, the pressure will be on local authorities, says the head of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mircea Mocanu.
Mircea Mocanu said for Mediafax he does not believe that it will be necessary to activate additional accommodation spaces for immigrants in Romania.
“They all want to get to the Schengen area. Furthermore, many of them have families in Germany,” he added.
In his opinion, low salaries in Romania are the reason for which the refugees want to go somewhere else, as in Romania salaries in a car washing shop or in a pizza restaurant are below RON 1,500, while in Germany they would earn some EUR 1,500.
If they get the refugee status, they could travel anywhere in Europe, but they could get a job only if they receive a work permit in another EU country, Mocanu said.
The migrants to reach Romania can stay in the reception centres for six months, maybe with an extension of another six months, but only after they get this form of protection they are directed to the local authorities, or they leave to their friends or relatives, of somewhere else.
In his opinion, Romania should focus on the actions for refugees after they get this status, as the pressure would increase on local authorities.
1,700 individuals mean about 500 families who will not reach Romania at the same time. It’s about ten families for each county, though the impact is not high, he added.
Surveys reveal that 60-70% of migrants coming to Europe get a job after one year, after they’ve learned the language, while 90% will have the same job even after four years. Learning the local language is essential to remain.
“Turkey has some two million refugees, Jordan about one million coming from Syria. None of these countries have received money from the EU. A European Union country is not able to receive 1,700 individuals?” asked Mircea Mocanu.
The International Organization for Migration representative also approached the security issues that might surface, underscoring that migrants should come in a coordinated way, so that those having a passport can be checked and verified if they have good or bad intentions.

accomodationEUGermanyIOMmigrantsMircea Mocanureception centresrefugee statusschengen areaSyria
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