Miron Cozma and Adrian Sârbu, prosecuted in the Miner Riot Case, for crimes against humanity

Former miners union leader Miron Cozma and Adrian Sârbu, former advisor to the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government, are being prosecuted in the Miner Riot Case, for crimes against humanity, the Prosecutor General’s Office announces. “We inform you that in the case generically called “Miner Riot of June 13-15, 1990″, the case prosecutor within the Military Prosecutor’s Office Section of the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice has ordered the initiation of criminal proceedings against 2 other defendants”, the Prosecutor General’s Office announces.

The former leader of the miners, Miron Cozma, is targeted, “in terms of committing crimes against humanity, in the normative variants provided for by art. 439 paragraph 1 letter f) (two secondary passive subjects), letter g) (800 secondary passive subjects), letter j) (715 secondary passive subjects) of the Criminal Code, with application of art. 5 of the Criminal Code”.

The second defendant is Adrian Sârbu, “at the time of the facts, advisor to the Prime Minister of the Provisional Government, in terms of committing crimes against humanity, in the normative variants provided for by art. 439 paragraph 1 letter a) (4 secondary passive subjects), letter f) (2 secondary passive subjects), letter g) (1311 secondary passive subjects), letter j) (1211 secondary passive subjects) of the Criminal Code, with application of art. 5 of the Criminal Code”.

The package specified that the state of affairs retained and the legal classification of the facts are based exclusively on the evidence administered after 04.06.2021, the date on which the case was returned to the prosecutor’s office, following the preliminary chamber procedure, as a result of which all evidence administered before 2017 was canceled and the nullity of the previously carried out prosecution acts was found.

This week, in the Miner Riot File, the criminal prosecution for crimes against humanity of Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman, the former commander of the Higher Military School of Officers of the Ministry of Interior, gl. (r) Vasile Dobrinoiu, and the former commander of Military Unit 0575 Măgurele, col. (r) Peter Petre was also announced.

adrian sarbucasecrimes against humanityfileformer miners union leaderminer riotMiron Cozma
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