More than half of Romanians believe that the Russia’s armed intervention in Syria is an unjustified action and will lead to the increased of migration to the European Union, according to a survey conducted by INSCOP Research for daily ‘Adevarul’.
Thus, 51% of those interviewed believe that Russia’s military intervention in Syria is unjustified, while 20.8% say the opposite. The percentage of those who ‘do not know/do not answer’ was of 28.2%.
Also, 55% of Romanians agree with the assertion that the Russian intervention in Syria will lead to increased migration to the European Union, while 14.6% expressed their disagreement with this perspective. The percentage of non-responses was 30.4%.
On the other hand, 51.5% of respondents believe that Russian intervention in Syria will complicate the situation in the Middle East.
Asked if they have heard of the Russian air raids in Syria, 74.7% of Romanians gave a positive answer.
The INSCOP Barometer was conducted during October 23-November 1, on a sample of 1,098 people and is representative for Romania’s population of 18 years and above 18. MPE data is plus/minus 3% at a confidence level of 95%. The method used was the opinion poll based on a questionnaire applied by interviewers at the respondents’ homes.